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Was 3,200,000 catties.
The train carries quantity now, words completely open enough, far far not only this piece.
Chen Wan Rong is in consideration of the steam leads dint limited, the luck dint of the steam motorcycle not ability and modern train compare, what to carry on is the calculation that keeps most .Be so, is still shocked present anyone of being good enough to.
See their shocked shapes in the eye, Chen Wan Rong firmly of way:"All of what I saids are true, have no to exaggerate at 1:00 of phrase.The master of the beam, do you know now that the load son weighed how much on ground of your shoulder?"
The beam makes Zan throat some to become dry, is a very crude way:"I am getting more understand!I ain't understand, is this steam motorcycle how to build ground?"
"Is the steam motorcycle how to build?"It is together public voice to ask a way.
The train is how to build, Chen Wan Rong isn't clear either.However, the Chen glory late once sat and knew the features of the train, this was still not small to the help of Chinese people.Slightly a
Road way:"As for how make, I ain't clear either.However, I mutually iron the heart want to do out, after ten several 20 years, ground effort, we will definitely build out.I first said to you structure."
All is excited to keep swallowing at the person of saliva, eyes stare eldest brother.The Chen glory late sweeps to see one eye, discover a gold princess Xian and jade the true princess is also a neck to stretch old longly, too anxious to hear right away.
Use charcoal one painting is on the wooden board, the explanation way of Chen Wan Rong:"The steam motorcycle needs a car head, is like this.Here, mainly is a steam engine, this principle I have already once said, need not say again.This part is a car compartment, and then is divided into two kinds of, 1 kind is to use to carry a guest, a part is to use loaded.
"We want a trip far door now, how must this do?Ride a horse ah, or is sit wagon.If the steam motorcycle worked well, can embark a steam motorcycle far door.For example, we want to go in response to the sky, or go to Yang state, need not seek one more maid, please a groom what ground, took some baggage to become, very convenient."
The jade true princess blinks to expect eyes to ask a way:"The lo car compartment is so big, the person who sit must be many, how does that gather together a cake of?"
"Railroad train schedule Bai!"Chen Wan Rong like this in mind think, on the mouth but way:"Princess, troops so is many people it the abilities that still act together?On the battlefield, counting 100,000 troopses can moderate well and where only of number.This matter is easy to do, needs to settle down solid time for driving, and people knew naturally."
Is public don't live to nod, dark great this way is quite good.The Chen glory late makes fun of 1:"Princess, you are a descendants of royal families, is certainly and exclusively that you prepared."
Jade true princess Sai helps one drum, the spirit shouts of way:"Did the somebody else so dislike?Ignore you."
Is public to listen to just to the strength, also there is no mood realizing her act in pettish.
Chen Wan Rong immediately after way:"The steam motorcycle shipment ground words will be a lot of, several 100,000 catties can't have any problem.So many things, how just run move?This has to repair road, this calls a railroad!The railroad needs rail, be thus."Draw a shape of rail on the wooden board, downwards explain:"Still need sleepers.If the sleepers, not is to must do with the timber, use timber to do, easily putrefied, we have already had cement, can use cement to do.It is like this."The appearance that draws a sleepers, then is an explication.
Openly say, Chen Wan Rong's understand to the motorcycle is limited, can say and skin, otherly also can not say it.Is such, listenning to like Chily is also public if inebriate, if inebriate Chun wine, each Zheng big eyes, cautiously listen, fear to leave out a small detail.
Wait until Chen late glory finish speaking, public haven't enjoyed in retrospect.The Chen glory late sweeps to see public, each is one vice- shocked shape.The gold that always pays attention to personal image is a small mouth Zhang De's eldest brother of princess Xian, the salivas all followed corner of mouth run off to come.
There in no blame him, really is this matter to make people be getting more shocked too much.
"If Chen will say ground if is true, is luck to walk a mountain to also have no problem!"Monk a line of initiative once responds, embodied mathematician ground good quality.
"To to the rightness!The luck walks a mountain to absolutely have no problem!"Heng in the leaf sky greatly approves this parlance, not from must sigh a tone way:"The leaf was some to living of year not much, perhaps could not see the arrival in this day!"
Is a more wonderful thing, think realization, its difficulty also more big.Being public can want, although the tang dynasty has already had certain foundation, but wants to want to build a steam motorcycle, this difficulty is really a lot too big, greatly approve his words.
Chen Wan Rong but is a way of hundred percent confidence:"The leaf master need not discourage!This thing is very complex, not 12 months, not also 12 years and then can build to of.Probably don't become for 35 years, the decade can carry out as well.
How long will it take, this is of no account!Importance of only have 1:00, we should begin to do.Even if we at living of the year can not see a motorcycle, our posterities can definitely carry out our ideal!If we don't do, we not can make, our posterity also not can make!"
This words full of philosophy, is the scientist investigates spirit of had better express, public greatly is to approve, the way of conflicting views:"Well said!Well said!"
The walking stick of Heng in the leaf sky doesn't live on the ground to order:"The leaf is some to know for a sky, life, at living of year affirmation could not see.However, small friend well said, we are to should do.Didn't say of, the leaf is some to definitely make an effort!"
"We definitely make an effort!"Is public together the voice attach and.Connect always and Chen the glory is late a true princess of right jade is also loudly declare.
Chen Wan Rong is also to fig up an abnormality, immediately after way:"To want to do out motorcycle the affair that need to be done is a lot of.Our steel materials can not satisfy a request now, this must start studying a new steel material."
Heng in the leaf sky once connects a words head way:"The small friend trusts, I have already realized this problem and have already been beginning to study."
"Xie Ye master!"Chen Wan Rong downwards says:"The tool machine had, a lot of machines could make.The master of the beam, you not only need to develop a batch of machines good hand, but also want to do more friendly machine."
The beam makes Zan unusually excited:"General Chen trusts, I understand!"Qin in the eye wear tears, very excited, the voices all have some to shiver.
The Chen glory late looking at to take charge of Ma Cheng Zhen's way:"Open mountain to repair road, our current explosives can not also satisfy a request, this must study new**.The way is long, you must devote a lot of care."
The nitroglycerine can not be used, because of too unsteady.Is other**, Chen Wan Rong also knows some ways:"Wait I to finish speaking an electricity, grow a thin company with way again."
"Give or get an electric shock?"The gold princess Xian's eyebrows a wrinkly, ask a way:"What is give or get an electric shock?"

The fourth empire collision chapter 54 all the people educates
Renew time:2009-11-621:27:35 chapter word numbers:6389

Learning an ability is able to convert into electric power, is just that the momentary didn't prepare and cannot compared with now, the not equal to abstraction orders.Even if is a bit abstract, with their apprehensions, also isn't problem, .
The Chen glory late looking at the gold princess Xian's way:"Princess, you a head of show hair, black bright elegance, pole is beauty."
The gold princess Xian's face a red,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, a bit ashamed, jade true princess but is a mouth is one Pie, mercilessly stared Chen Wan Rong's one eye.
Chen Wan Rong doesn't realize her, immediately after way:"Whenever after princess doll ups, if the comb closes to compare lighter thing, for example scraps of paper, silks all type of, will discover the scraps of paper will be stained with on the comb, while the silk will have some elegances, is the reason where?Lie in comb up take to give or get an electric shock."
"!Is that an electricity?How didn't we see?"All of the ancientses are Xu hairs, doll uping not only only is a chemisette affair, man also will doll up, all have this kind of career, not from get conflicting views' discussing.
Chen Wan Rong sees their shocked shapes in the eye, tiny tiny a say with smile:"The electricity is unseen, can feel to get.Comb hair is rub generate electricity, give or get an electric shock quantity seldom, feel not too and obviously.Certainly, give or get an electric shock Related articles:

