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Three empire army corpses resisting are 17,000 people, and quickly use three army corps dynasty of 15,000 people 【inside the boon especially Si 】the city do a military tactics of siege to move, 【inside the boon especially Si 】the empire soldier of city together with lucky the defeated troops merger escaping into city add three army corpses not enough 12,000 people only, hence in flurry send out to ask for help to the allied troops of neighborhood, 【inside the boon especially Si 】city south three empire army corpses of the defense line 18,000 people urgently go up north, at the same time 【inside the boon especially Si 】city to the east of three empire army corps 18,000 people are also quick dynasty 【inside the boon especially Si 】move, attempt at 【inside the boon especially Si 】city the north match to round Lin Si Jun of Pu Luo.
At morning on September 7 with round the city dozen conductor that aids tactical Lin Si Jun of Pu Luo at big archon Ma Ku Sa under, three empire army corpses annihilating to first arrive battlefield with the troops of west, the north two directions eight army corpses are 18,000 people, and quickly go down south and arrive 【inside the boon especially Si 】city, and regard"tallest elder statesman hospital amnesty serf" as principle set set up of three Pu Luo Lin Si local fielding army corps 15,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,000 people also east noodles close to 【inside the boon especially Si 】city.
September seven know day and night the empire soldier hanging extremely troops south the line conductor pulls Wei rare the Er Be resolute to give up 【inside the boon especially Si 】city, together with integration empress of cripple remaining empire soldier six empire army corps 35,000 people quickly in flurry step back toward the west.
Evening on September 8, Lin Si's republic of Pu Luo big archon Ma Ku Sa leads of Pu Luo Lin Si San the crack army corps' party in government west make track for to shoot to encounter empire a prime minister to pull Wei's hoping the ambush attack of Er be impeded, Ma Ku Sa is ridden a soldier by the empire to mount sudden attack a body to suffer from severely wounded, Lin Si Jun of Pu Luo gives up to make track for shot and pull Wei rare the Er successfully lead an empire soldier to back to be apart from an empire boundary 20 inside ground frontier small town 【Lai be willing to Si 】re- set out defense line.Combine southern line's last that get urgent east's enter to use to increasing of the empire army corps of being used as the strategic reserve to aid, strain keep on three day 【inside the boon especially Si 】battle be over.
Close southern line battlefield of the September 9, 2771, empire and republic of bright Li in the mainland to again sink into quiet confrontation status, keep on the nervous vehemence on the third fights of the result is 11 original army corpses the empire of 68,000 people south line group loss miserably heavy, leaves seven army corpses 44,000 people, loss of troops in only be captured government troops to be up to 13,000 people;And Pu Luo Lin Si the republic south line decoration in the front and back of the group adjusted to gather 12 army corpses(include three new sets among them fielding army corps for setting up) of grounds to also lose about 18,000 people in 69,000 people, be among them captured government troops about 4,000 people.And the whole Pu Luo Lin Si western aspect soldier the commander in chief Ma Ku Sa's body suffer from severely wounded, all conductor rights temporarily hand over second Si general of space benefit agency, and quickly transfer two army corpses to go up north after the battle ends.Kai boon Si empire and Pu Luo Lin Si republic first stage the combat temporarily come to an end for the time being ……
While canning pull to reach vigorous conflict in the bright mainland, bright(dark) Li in the mainland on August 10, 2771, at dark time the mainland west ocean up, a pay a huge consociation fleet unclearly and broke already thin and diluted arrive negligible darkly be fond of fog.
The amount is up to the silver wolf of about 100,000 people-second Luo especially the empire plum Luo Di grow the princess' allied troops although at approach a dark time mainland most the west ground 【Kai Mo islands (from Ai space admire virtuous prince influence control)】 be discovered by the local troops.But that camouflage of hang of belong to navy's ensign that the Ai space admires virtuous prince to obviously let soldier letter in guarding of the region think really, think the beginning of the year egress' sending punitive expedition the He Lun Si flood and field of"insurrection" battalion has been already returned in triumph.
The result certainly has never hanged to read, August 11, 【Kai Mo islands 】seven group of islandses including this island have no fee one soldier one soldier all drive plum Luo Di long the princess quickly capture and surrender to return follow of second Luo especially the empire government troops is more than 3,000 people.
On August 13, 【Kai Mo Si's islands 】to the east about 100 inside outside of dark time the third largest island in mainland 【cloth orchid Ni second island 】again drive allied troops with hang to disguise flag to attack and occupy, gather a battleship equipment of marine corps temporary set building land two allied troops and navies land battle army corps 11,000 people suddenly ascended 【cloth orchid Ni second island 】of port city 【cloth orchid Ni second harbor 】, on the island an Ai space admire German Army's regiment 5,500 people the ground destroy a department after guarding the soldier at the simple holdout 5,000 people surrender, this can stop depend large navy's battleship and own complete port facilities and three all of the cities and some small towns ground the big island fell into plum Luo the Di grow the princess' hand inside.About 400,000 second Luos on the island especially empire the citizen Be happy to jump like sparrows, welcome with crowd cheering on both sides of street the hearsay grows a princess with the long empire plum Luo the liberation battalion of the Di.Same day.Relieve a dark time mainland allied troops go forward at the time commander in chief department at 【cloth orchid Ni second harbor 】establish.
Dead hour, can cloth orchid Ni street in the city of the second harbor up still keep being a huge crowd.Having already tormented in the civil war is distressed more than two years of second Luo especially empire people with vent type ground the joys celebrate parade to express their heart of desire, numerous torches and Gao the headlight pillar project in each corner in the city the long grass is very hotly and only.Is a group of cluster of because of malnutrition but the complexion wax is yellow, people Wan of body infirmity begin around ground in the city the allied troops patrol a soldier to dance, Gao Han.
More than 300 allied troops are transporting tall ship, have 100 near Lu Er west the conveyance load with to encourage(also can be encourage for a while) to relieve area people's emotion on board of a great deal of food.Although the amount that can assign the cloth orchid Ni second island residents' food isn't a lot of,allied troops' the government troopseses still privately took out own part of rations also, and open to understand be guarded the provisions for army database of soldier storage by the region before putting, cloth orchid Ni about 200,000 residents and almost each families of the second city assigned the equal food has never had the unusual fruits of the bright mainland to once eat with them stem and stem vegetables.
Old man, kid and women, almost everyones' all pulling to carry second Luo of new badge an empire soldier has never once seen with them especially of the hand of silver wolf government troops, instruct to the passion of expressing their in the mind with the dark absolute being orison of their habitual, however these government troopses that have already converted to "initiate absolute being to teach" just take a smile.Don't carry on according to the etiquette of dark faith once gift, in the their eyes.People of wallet bone's really must being very simple is very pitiful here.
On the avenue, a group of silver wolves and second Luo especially the empire government troops escort the allied troops' a few tallest classes to get just and slow-movingly the row open the people of acclaim and conjecture an one slice quietly the weak crowd for rising and falling, each complexion is dignified.
"Husband …… they are well pitiful ……"
Silver wolf seven army corps commanding officer a kind of insect beautiful general from got into a city behind have never stopped sheding tears, be she feeds gradually soft fruit Pu stem into a kid's mouth inside in person of time, that hunger of the kid almost almost bit at her fingers all, but lost almost and quickly not**the parents of kind then knelt her in front.Now, more hungry people toward her to shout down the avenue, that kind of victory of joy but drive heart of suffered completely overaly.
"This once was a very peaceful and rich empire, second Luo especially empire never already was like a bright mainland to so appear excessively crack, people all lived a delightful life in the incorporation!Now, is while resuming a real life they!"The plum Luo Di is already second whole body Luo imperial gorgeous temple skirt especially, although a hand already didn't, she still keeps walking on the troops most before and lightly to shake to begin and invigorate with the vision of the smile and the encouragement these people who relieved to come over from approaching death, at this time of she , after hearing beautiful whimper of a kind of insect, returns to body to walk to the young girl generals in front, use self-confident tone consolation to the square.
"Ha ha, long princess' his highness, see from these people's performances, your emperor elder brother musted be a good emperor while was living, they thought of him and also had a passion for you!Hope you can resume second Luo the empire originally possessed especially of stability prosperity!"The summer Si wood hugs wife at toward plum Luo nearby the Di peeped out to admire of smile to permit.
"Ha ha, I still think dark empire …… , ashamed, had been thinking before that especially the second Luo empire was a savage place, the bright church had been describing the persons here to all live in cave and forest, was a barbarian and had never thought ……so big city..In"silver wolf fourth army corps commanding officer Fan Si Ta take the tone for praising highly to looking at towering tower building dark shadow in city in the front, to such an at second Luo especially empire can calculate" small rules Related articles:

