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Of order?I have already requested navy to mobilize to allly carry strength to go to open sea in Liao a support the withdrawing of army act, actually is who unexpectedly dare to orderany Singapore army to give up to withdraw, stand into to the north?"Have been going back and forth the diplomacy eddy between the ASEAN and India over several days in, always let people feel very energetic of he, at the moment also already the tired Tai to the utmost shows.He is in former days some to hysterically bellow, completely had no of manner.
"It is me."A advanced in age but firm voice after death spread from Li Cheng Long, this voice roared medium just like the long whip of an invisible of Li Cheng Long's body suddenly an earthquake, slowly once turned round to face in the moment and after death the 80 years old of that full head grey hair an old man.
"Father, how did you come?"The Li Cheng Long favour Chan lives the old man's hand.But the old man has never been eager to the inquiry that answers a son, but toward very at will nearby each general to nod regards, then have very and polite tone to say:"Fighting is forthcoming, everyones all arrive their own posts up!"Although the old man's voice is deep and low,contained public don't dare to run counter to of authority and arrogant, far rise Li Cheng Long's rant come make people shake Zhe.
"Father, I already and India premier Man Mo Han.Gandhi's special envoy talks like, his commitment as long as Singapore keeps neutral, India will respect the independence and sovereignty of Singapore integrity ……."When office inside leaves father and son 2 people behind, Li Cheng Long's no time for waiting speaks own viewpoint, but answers his is a record loud and clear box on the ear."Is timid, stupid."What old man was calm stands the huge electronics map the in front to the wall side of office.
"That's right, our Singapores are really tiny places, and our strength is really insignificant in strong India in front.But the all these isn't us the choice evades of reason."The old man coolly programs on the map and seem is making to prepare for the combat planned by him.
"Multiply by a dragon, I can't say with you again what give up a body to prefer right to might, the sacrifice of a handful of men protect the Hao like the most people to talk strong language, because you are already an adult that controls a national destiny.The national interest is the first forever, but you can imagine an abandon an ally and bend from at the bayonet under of the nation still has what reputation, can the dignity talk?When Thai, Malaysia even Vietnamese, Cambodia person at in defense of Ma Liu Jia but bloodshed of time, our Singapore but just negotiate for peace with invader?Multiply by a dragon, you are really wild is my Lee Kuan Yew's son."The old man says to till the last and unexpectedly have some to arouse to move.
"The father is my consideration the week is not.But our military forces even if and all use, also very difficult change current war situation!"Li Cheng Long again tries to persuade his/her own father."Ha ha, India is really a huge monster, but it also has his weakness ……."The old man is full of to self-confidently smile.He has already felt to brush past in the sky of Singapore war eagle of lion city sky.
"Mama of, Singapore that help the young master the soldier to indeed as expected run of quicker than rabbit ……."Again a burst of and violent Russia system M43 typeses 82 mm mortar fire started, the shell intensively hits become in the mountain jade direct of Jian Kingdom army the battlefield of 41 engineer corp camps up.Squat down in own command post, the mountain jade became an in the mind to have already sent greetings to several hundreds of of Li Cheng Long's all female relativeses.
After the Dan Rong expects to successfully ambuscaded the pioneering troops of India army, the mountain jade becomes and knows only with lend his/her own strength cuts off difficult match with India troops.So in the shot Kui the first time after India troops attackstoned, the mountain jade becamed and then directed his troops to withdraw Dan Rong to expect and do the main rendezvous of river front line and ASEAN allied troops and re- construct to have new defense system at Luo.
Originally think to equip the best Singapore army can can give equal support on the long range thermodynamic power, but get of reply is Singapore army to receive a new task:Withdraw Singapore island, prepare mainland to defend.The heavy artillery of 2 artillery camps 1 didn't utter to withdraw for the marsh direction of facing the seaside.Singapore army withdrew to almost break up the whole allied troops, the Tai Kingdom and Malaysia armies all planned to withdraw a native affair.Luo dry river front almost leave the mountain jade becomes of the troops be still preparing to defend with a last-ditch attempt.
"Battalion commander, India army's armored brigade came up again."Along with Xu of a burst of into play an act, a set type and print one degree army's cannon tower of M T-72 circle circle appears at the mountain jade become of telescope in.India army seems to eat quasi- ASEAN allied troops the inner part have been already collapsed, swagger of break to come over from the front side.
"Mama of, Thai army not is say to send tank to support us?"The mountain jade becomes to know his/her own weight, want at the list in the field battle like this depends on oneself of infantry anti-'s living India army's armor to mount sudden attack is almost impossible."The Thai yesterday of army midnight started transfering toward huge harbor direction."A staff officer appears weak and looks pallid an answer way."What?!"The mountain jade becomes a hold tight the collar of dress of that staff officer, withdrawing of Thai army not only think they didn't have the support of tank, more mean army of Jian Kingdom the side wing of 41 engineer corp camps completely exposes at under India troops' gun muzzle,cheap beats by dr dre.
"Orderany everyone to make the worst preparation."The mountain jade becomes to know he at the moment already didn't choice, withdraw and then think at the moment, 4000 casual wear infantries want at have no condition that the works rely on underneath gather the impact of cluster to the armor, with it thus rather last-ditch exactly, beg to live in the dead.
India army's tank started decelerating speed, the mountain jade became to know that arrival that is waiting for accompanying with the infantry.Indeed as expected more infantry BMP-1 chariots start appearing at in the battlefield."Prepare~~" mountain jade becomes to know once the infantry gets off to launch to complete, India army's attack will formally start.
1 kind familiarly roared and shouted a voice to brush past at the moment mountain jade become of top of head, a row lines up a 155 mm the Liu play to fly more battlefield to gather cluster in the army's armor of India in deep-fried ring.India army's soldier most likely just from the infantry chariot inside rush out, then drive Tu if the Liu getting up plays deep-fried flesh and blood horizontal fly.Is close behind the Ds AH-64s"the Pa is together" that 4 Singapore air force equips the armed helicopter climb to rise but rise from the army of Jian Kingdom 41 the engineer corps the bush after the camp defense line and use"long bow-hellfire" guided missile to one by one have a roll call to India tank of battlefield …….
On December 11, 2007, at print east war completely explosion after of the 3rd day, remain neutral Singapore of carriage joined war, what kind of turning point will this bring for this horrifying war?The whole world all looks at in the Ning interest.

Chapter 15:Again have no emperor's card(four)

The night of Andaman Sea, sea surface equanimity of just like last night the American aloe in personal status in the bar.It has been more than 20 years since 55-year-old fee southern virtuous Si workses on the ocean.He likes his own work and even likes the ocean of oneself's foot.
But he doesn't is used to today's flight path, he will drive the"Ni section Ba" number bulky cargo freighter that just entered water to load down today India army's replenishment from medium Anne reach Manx Ai Er aroma Si the harbor set out to go to Su door reach La the north of the class add second together harbor.It isn't standing alone, there is still in the not far front in this waters the conveyance freighter positive full speed that 6 India military authorities take over before go.
Drive before India military authority take over, "the Ni section expects" number bulky cargo the freighter ordered 830000 hulls to spread one of the cargo vessels for Denmark's ship owner at first.All zero accessorieses adopted the product of Korea, so in opposition to complete"India makes", the driver gets up of the relaxed feeling want to be a lot of obviously strong.
"Hear even Singapore also joins war."Stand the warship bridge of cargo vessel up, the fee southern virtuous Si captain doesn't on the flight path looking at distance interleave but lead of India navy's"Ge Ma Di" number guided missile escort warship, soliloquize a way:"So a beautiful islet unexpectedly dares to resist strong India, be really from overestimate own ability."Because two sail mothers organize into teams is deploying on Andaman Sea, so India navy doesn't transport tall ship to provide with to morely escort troops for this and only had two sides that two escort warships sail in the tall ship.
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