
Beats By Dre In Ear o Close feath

9 match wits,Beats By Dre In Ear
Before I leave river Ling and elder brother Yun of still have dialogue, still need to arrange good he ah.Elder brother Yun looking at me with depressed look:"Are you walking again?Go to uncle Huang where?"
I nod:"To, I go to and grasp this guy."
Implore:"Do not go not to go?You don't go at least and is all right?"
Shake head:"Do not go, I don't go, can not promise that Liu Bei is deathless.Say again, the bore has no effort clearly, disorderly soldier in easily have an accident, I but promised to take charge of teacher Ma, make an effort to keep intact everyone."
Sigh:"Since so, you send me to jail and three generals together."
Shake head again:"Do not go, you 2 arrived together, we want to strengthen 500% watch."
Is angry:"I am here again calculate what?"
Smile:"Elder brother is such as of prisoner!It is your jail here.After I walk, you forbid to cause trouble.I have already given an account old Sung they, you run or another problem, I want them to all together bury along with.Notice, is all, include Liu to have with I."
The words that elder brother Yun annoys all could not said it, I then trusted ground to leave.Ha ha, elder brother Yun how the meeting is my opponent, although the in the mind is very sour, can this is also the matter with no idea.
Take several goods of big cars, I set out a that arrives to a summer for three days earlier than the battalion and sought warehouse in the house, after letting go of thing, turned two turns of pry newses in the city.Our a series prepare a work and indeed as expected make Liu Bei ascend when, think that we are opening and beating with river east.They return have never thought our main target still he.The person of summer is hoping river's east and Cao to hold a dozen ofs, you die me to live and very take illegitimate profit from it.I arrive of time, Liu Bei just in the in summer news of Yu that stretches neck to wait a week, original, he is the Yu battalion that fixs to go a Fan to connect a week of, can just summer city two day, hear sweet rather battalion cross summer city, tie in leading to a river for summer of surface the camp dish is obviously the Yu battalion that waits a week and cut off of the summer and the contact of river's east.And the army of the Cao soldier also the south set out from Xiang sun and Ru, full spoil 30,000 battalions expecting first have already arrived a river the county is scorching toward the E city direction for summer, the battalion of Cao Ren also closes on the heels of afterward, and the number can't be less than 50,000.This time, if he still wants Fan, don't etc. week Yu to arrive, he very may be surrounded first in the Fan by the Cao soldier, first to put out.Therefore he wishes, I still don't ask for a Cao soldier of wait a week Yu battalion come to say again so much, he away and disappear again return to summer city, actively prepare to defend.
Fight a disorderly age, I take of food and drugs ask for person's attention very much, very quick had business to come, after receiving several persons who stir to buy a medicine to buy a food, a person in a hurry ran the inn of purchasing goods:"Who is the owner ?I want some medicine materials."
Hear someone purchase a medicine material, I go out, and the bearer sees me, is one Leng first, quickly come forward:"The Sir unexpectedly get here, the mean person let you saw a gift."
Does he know me?Can I am incognizant he, hurriedly smile:"Hey, you are polite.Excuse me, Sir?"
The bearer smiled:"I once saw a Sir in the Luo sun and knew that your medical skill is very high."
, This matter is common, I say with smile:" Such as empty have hollow reputation, pour to make you overpraise."
The bearer sees the medicine material before the body to say with smile:"BE just needing these medicine materials here, Sir come of still really in time."
"Ha ha, I am a businessman!"
The bearer is noding and saying:"Boy Wu Pu, meet a Sir today, also want to ask much and more to you."
, The disciple of China Tuo.I smiled:"Can you do me too much honor, now that the one who be the same as to cure, the study woulds be.China great physician also several times meets with me, to you is to have great language."
Wu Pu says with smile:"The teacher worships the Sir's medical skill very much, the senior is also to click the tongue in curiosity to the medicine square whom you harm a medicine, and we mostly have already been subjected to a benefit."
"Ha ha, say to the contribution of medical science, still need to initiate to make teacher.China great physician at present recruited many pupils that learn to cure in the Luo sun, in the days to come settle will promote an oneself medical skill.As for I, this job doesn't lie in this, however is inherited in the family origin!"
"Ah, I am to say who so big skill, can bring in to come to so many medicine materials, originally but is you!Ha ha, skill say to see a doctor, your such as also need not from the Qian."
I hear noise a to see:"Is adult, don't smallly and never greet, tell offense, tell offense."The bearer is exactly Sun Gan , I haven't sought them, and he pours to come very quickly.
Sun Gan says with smile" such as, you be really smart of guy, there need what, you ascend there, no wonder that ability lucky strike."
Wu Pu sees Sun Gan , he quickly came forward to beat hello, take leave but go to.I am just courtesy ground line gift, turn round to say with smile to Sun Gan :"Ha ha, the adult says like this is scold me.The truth says to the adult, I know that uncle Huang needs some things, especially the idea took some, show filial obedience him."
"?"Sun Gan is getting more interested in.
I take him to inside in the house:"Adult, thing has the cartful gold the silks here, is a showing filial obedience of mean person, adult can for uncle Huang accept go to."
Sun Gan 's exultation:" Such as, you are indeed as expected businessman's true colors.Trust good, you business affirmation in summer will be good.After, as long as is what uncle Huang has, all have your advantage."
I ha ha keep smiling, well embodied a characteristic of dishonest trader:"Thus, my business can have been already promised.The adult trusts, mean person from will devote."Sun Gan looking at me, 2 people cachinnation.Looking at him to take goods, I was tiny to sneer at, make you be getting better again for satisfied several days.
The common saying says of"the person has no perfect person, Zhi already loose calculate" is really a most true sayings, the Cao holds under charge three greatly strive for minister plus I so the perfect plan that the clever ghost makes out together, hurt at a person's hand up.Is current of I am planned steady implementation but satisfied, the Hun doesn't know rope already set at neck up.The person who does a bad matter's perhaps also also hasing never thoughting one of his words would bring endless result and caused many final outcomes that can not anticipate.This person is Wu Pu.Wu Pu is the satisfied pupil of China Tuo, can China Tuo but have never told me, or he is also not that understand he the idea of this high Tu.Wu Pu inheritted curing of China Tuo kind-heartedness, where have a demand, will appear where, can his heart but is incline to the big fellow river's mountain, to the Cao hold don't catch a cold very much.He comes right away a pass on the second day the feather your home since I bought a medicine here.Close the feather arm harms of the chronic ailment made again, be China Tuo once said of, till time of damp cloudy day will make aching, this arm wants to usually spread some medicine.
Wu Pu was giving the pass feather last medicine, Zhuge Liang and Sun Gan to come.Wu Pu is advising to close feather:"Close general, your wound should seek a good doctor to thoroughly cure.Is old is not good either so."
Close feather to sigh:"You the teacher great physicians all cure not good, who go again?"
Wu Pu Dao:"At the right moment come to a superior in this city.He ever once spoke to the teacher he can thoroughly cure the wound of general."
"?"They are all interested in.This in this world still has more severe doctor than China Tuo.Close feather important ask:"This person is who ah?The Sir can introduce for me."
Wu Pu Dao:"This person calls such as, fierce.Teacher and he very familiar net, studied a lot of medical skills together."
One Leng absolute being of Zhuge Liang asks at once:"Mr. Wu, is Zhao Zi Yun here?"
Wu Pu nods:"I woulded be the medicine that bought there at him yesterday."
Sun Gan ha ha say with smile:"Does he just come and haven't seen you?Maybe not know your abode."
The Wu Pu doubt ground asks him:"Adult, various Ge adult, you and does he also really acquaint with?"
Zhuge Liang smiles to order:"Several year bosom friend.The medical skill of son cloud is quite good, treat me to call him to the general, let he good like cure for general old harm all of a sudden.However, he how ran this time, might it not be ……"
Sun Gan nods:"I am also thinking this problem.After a while we see him together."
Wu Pu hesitated for a while and still kept saying:"I hear that the relation that he holds with Cao isn't very general, can you seem and his relation is also very good, this person has Related articles:

