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With a pile of war booty such as number send into Burma.After, the Zong soldier burns to kill to plunder, only a year.The big city becomes a ghost city, population from 1,000,000 down to several 1000 people.Finally, the Mian soldier confines to the flames the whole city defense and make of 400 several years of backlogs are in a short instant vanish.Even the then king wave Long Mo Luo's three a life times also starve on the abscondence road.This surely makes Zheng Xin to take independence as a king.Again ever not is let Luo with Burma knot next the enemy of life and death?"
"Surprisingly this Burmese incredibly thus cruelty!"And the Lin still keep first hearing these affairs, unbearable tiny some knit the brows.1,000,000 people almost are almost exhausted massacred ……these people are also true descend go to hand!However want again, seem nothing important also is fantastic.The pure soldier after going into pass killed a ground of person in those early years much many than this!
"Have no what fierce not cruelty.Two countries compete with each other, originally be resort to extreme measures.Luo also calculated at that time strong, threatenned Burma the Ba lord in this district position!This is like a monkeys in appeared another monkey with probably become a monkey king, originally of the monkey king certainly can't take pleasure in, the of two monkeys wants to beat naturally up a……"He Gui say with smile.
"Monkey?Ha ha, you how old like to say so?Too'honest and kind'?"Say with smile with Lin.
"I what someone always such, and, believing can not be used how long, you will discover I more honest and kind place ……" He Gui Liang's eyeses hope front and say with smile.
"I Zheng Fo, pay a courtesy call on two angels!"
That empty sand prosperous distance Bangkok doesn't calculate far, the He Gui Liang people just lived bottomed soon, Siam king Zhao criticizes but a ground sent in gram accolade the ambassador have already also been.2 He Gui Gen and Lins "receive"ed the other party in the abode.Greeting the ambassador is 130 come year old of Siam nobility,Beats by Dre Electroplating, start to compare skin
Person darkly and Siam, this"Zheng Fo"'s pouring is that the white is clean many.But not what to arrive BE, this Buddha incredibly oneself meeting Chinese language, and say still slip away very much.Is some Guangdong accents, words not and cautiously listen to, also really listen to not that understand.
"Zheng Fo?Ha ha, is a prince to Siam arrive!Lose to face to lose to face ……"He Gui Gen and Lin made a Yi to the other party first.
"Do not dare or not, descend nation minister son,Beats By Dre In Ear, would not dare to be subjected to the angel's gift?"Zheng Fo's facial expression tiny tiny one Zheng, obviously know to He Gui his/her own identity feels surprised, however, this kind of facial expression is just the effort in split second, very quick, he passionately smiled again, and returned a gift.
"The prince is getting more polite.To.Originally make to remember prince should be be called to swallow ground according to the Cha Luo's praise?When changed?"Receive Zheng Fo and it a few attendants enter a house to sit down, He Gui smiles to ask a way again.
"Our prince Siam the name be really called to swallow according to the Cha Luo's praise, however, Zu surname is man Xing Zhong Di''surname.So, also have a Chinese!"Zheng Fo after death of an attendant hear what expensively after asking words, immediately speak to answer a way.
"Is so!Ha ha.The surprisingly prince is incredibly also my Chinese people's descendant, that can we were a person of hometown to see person of hometown!Ha ha ha ……"have never thought incredibly is again one to understand Chinese language ground, He Gui just a little surprise for a while, immediately after again the cachinnation get up and also ignore Zheng Fo et al after hearing this words is what idea, after finishing smiling, unexpectedly again ask a way:"Prince since is a Chinese descent, don't know ancestral home again is where ah?"
"The angel laughed at.It is big pure to govern next Guangdong Chao-chou on Zheng Fo Zu.These, first emperor Zu still at of, is passing into the form chapter of imperial government to all have!"Zheng Fo says with smile.
"Ha ha, prince this is at play trick.When did you have an emperor Zu?Do I wait how to don't know?"He Gui Gen and Lin says with smile towards seeing one eye, and then.
"Teach the angel how to know so much, our prince's grandfather, is exactly is ever many toward the imperial government over the form chapter of reaching and believing big emperor(Zheng Xin)!"Zheng Fo nearby, just the attendant that would say Chinese language immediately after said again.But, his words sound just fall, with Lin already one face angry countenance the ground jump:
"Angel.You this is ……"Zheng Fo wait a person vacant ask a way.
"I the dynasty Qianlong's emperor, the main great and impressive country still doesn't dare to claim to be'big emperor', the Er gathers an Er small nation, king as well however be a lie Hao strong, unexpectedly dare to be called a big emperor?Can you know that this are the criminal charges how?"And the way of Lin Nu.
If"this ……" hears and Lin, the that attendant of Zheng Fo Gen also turned angry face.Although Zheng Xin is killed by his old dad.But, Zheng Xin reigns ground for 15 years, will Siam become to°from the territory geologic change that will soon perish the Ba lord of this region, so, Siam of the common people still pretty much admire and respect and feel thankful its merit of, according to the habit, then in its name behind the Guan ascended the title of "big emperor".Just heard what expensively after asking words, they are to very naturally and freely say out.But forgot this words have already touched the taboo of settling the court.Want is also, the somebody else big pure emperor rules so hugely a territory and hasn't claimed to be a big emperor, only a Zheng Xin.Have again what qualifications?
"Good good, Bi Zhai, need not be such.Think to a prince this under charge is with him also just not intentional speech!When the joke listens to be, you again why the need for really?"He Gui aside advises a way again.
"Is is is, descend minister stupid, also inviting an angel don't blame ……" Zheng Fo also quickly stands up to salute to say.Although He Gui's words combine not that pleasing to listener, open reach the merit of believing the big emperor be still said into a joke, but, he is timid to carry on defending!In fact and ever since that time his old dad Zhao criticizes but killed Zheng Xin in gram, after independence is a king, have already had been being worried that the Manchu Court will take advantage of an opportunity to deliver Mao, so would outward declare categorically named Zheng Hua, is the son of the letter, but he is of the letter.Although they also guessed this time some what expensive heel and the Lin come of purpose,cheap beats by dre, , they remain very nervous.It even is all basically such at the whole upper-class society of Bangkok.Because, in those early years after Zheng Xin's independence was a king, because Be from a Chinese descent, so, its under charge many Chinese people constitute a ground of troops, and flow out to appear some will get at Luo more famous Chinese people.They believe for of swallow Wu Li's dynasty to sign next contribution.Therefore, Zheng Xin is after ascending the throne many Chinese people appointed for the troops' chief commander and place officialdom.The Chinese people acquired various privileges of processing politics, military, and trade...etc..At Siam circumlittoral district in the south, the Chinese people's position particularly shows Zhao.This gives Chinese businessman of trade to the Xian and China immigrate of the migration created a beneficial condition.Plus the letter doesn't need to advertise for poll tax an etc. to China execution special policy, so swallow Wu Li dynasty to appear southeast circumlittoral destitute in China in great quantities and move to Siam the wave tide for period.Especially the proportion that Chao-chou region in ancestral home Guangdong in Zheng Xin's emigrant has is the biggest, they are called "emperor clan Chinese people", the all these causes many lose support Siam aristocratic severity dissatisfied.So, after killing letter, the Zhao criticizes but gram inside and then raised Tu Dao to large numbers of Chinese descents and officials!……But, after finishing killing, they again frightened.If saying to kill Zheng Xin can also evasive answers with various reason, this massacre Chinese descent officials ground behavior if be understood by the Manchu Court, they affirm the huge pressure that wants to face to come from north.
"Hum!"And the Lin don't know that Zheng Fo is how guilty, but see the facial expression that the other party fears naturally, is still more satisfied of, also not for oneself very, cold hum a , and then sat to return to.
"The prince need not be nervous.Sit!"He Gui Wei is tiny on smiling, stretched hand to point seat, signaled hint Zheng Fo to re- sit down.
"Thank an angel!"Zheng Fo went one gift again
Wipe for a while forehead ground sweat bead, this just re- sit home position once.
"The prince knows that this time, we come of purpose?"He Gui again the openings ask a way.
"This ……still invite an angel to grant to tell!"
"Ha ha, prince this is to pack careless!However.Say again for you a time of also nothing important relation ……a group of Dan persons assault of declare a Wei department in car, but Burma country lord Meng cloud the king intention shelter those thief persons!This kind of behavior, takes no cognizance me big pure dignity, so, cloud is expensive governor of province blessing Kang Anne the blessing commander in chief lead troops to fell it! Related articles:

